Cheap Lottery Deals On Black Friday

Cheap Lottery Deals This Black Friday

Cheap lottery deals

Even though Americans are very familiar with Black Fridays some of us outside of the States may not be so familiar with it. Black Friday means one thing to Americans. SAVING MONEY! Now, while I don’t think you can normally get cheap lottery deals, this Black Friday is offering some crazy cheap lottery deals on lottery tickets from almost any of the world’s major lotteries.

I know that this is a sports site but I felt I would be letting my loyal readers down if I didn’t pass on this super cheap lottery deal. But before I get to that I want to give a very short explanation of what Black Friday is all about.

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving in the US, and it kicks off the Christmas shopping season with absolutely CRAZY sales! Sales that offer massive discounts and rock-bottom prices for one day only. That’s what makes it so crazy, it’s for 24 hours only. It’s almost like if you blink you’ll miss out. is honouring the Black Friday tradition by offering some incredibly cheap lottery deals to their members.

Did you know that more and more people are getting their lottery tickets online. Even though they generally cost a little more. Why do you think that is? I’m so glad you asked.

  • No more queues! I remember missing out on a lottery because the queue to get a ticket was just too bloody long.
  • No more obnoxious agents.
  • No more missing out because you forgot to get your ticket on the way home and you couldn’t be bothered leaving home to get one.
  • Never have to worry about losing your ticket because all the information for your lottery ticket is kept online
  • No more having to worry about throwing a winning ticket away because you didn’t check it properly. Most online lottery agents will actually highlight the winning numbers for you. Not to mention you get notified by email of a winning ticket.
  • There are many online lottery agents where you can purchase your tickets online I’ve listed the ones that I use below.

My Favourite Online Lottery Sites

  • theLotter.comI’m so happy to have found this one as it is indeed one of the best online lottery sites that I have seen, offering it’s customers the chance to buy lottery tickets for the best lottery outlets from around the globe. Cheap lottery deals, the Black Friday being the latest one.
  • PLAYHUGELOTTOS.COM: They give a bonus to new members!
  • I’ve found them to have the cheapest prices when the other ones aren’t offering a cheap lottery deal. Like the sports betting site I recommend joining more than one to get the best deals.
  • Wintrillions: I use these guys because of their syndicate feature. Joining a syndicate gives you more of a chance of winning.
  • Oz Lotteries: Best site for purchasing all Aussie lottery tickets.

If you’re not having any luck with your local lotteries maybe getting an overseas lottery will change your luck. Not to mention that some of those overseas lotteries are worth mega bucks!

cheap black friday lottery deals

Tote Betting Definition Tote vs Fixed Odds Betting

Tote betting definition

Tote betting? What the hell is a tote? I don’t know about you but the first time I came across this on my favourite sports betting app it had me scratching my head. At first I just ignored it. There was so much more interesting stuff that I put the tote betting definition on the back burner. Time has passed and I figure now was a good time as any to find an easy to explain tote betting definition on the Internet. Man, there’s a lot of tote betting definitions on the internet, some of which is pretty confusing.

Best Tote Betting Definition

I think the most in depth tote betting definition can be found on Wikipedia! Sometimes it’s also referred to the French Parimutuel betting, also found on Wikipedia. You can read those articles to find a bit of history and more in-depth explanation of tote betting.

The main difference between a fixed bet and a tote bet is the odds on the fixed bet does not change whereas it does on a tote bet. With a tote bet you don’t know what the odds are until after the race has ended. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that tote betting is only found in racing events such as horse and greyhound racing.

From what I can gather bookies prefer tote betting because they have a better idea of what they’re getting. Their dividend is always a percentage of all the money collected in the bet. Once they’ve deducted the commission the remainder is distributed with the winners. Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article I mentioned above.

[greybox]Consider a hypothetical event which has eight possible outcomes, in a country using a decimal currency such as dollars. Each outcome has a certain amount of money wagered:

















Thus, the total pool of money on the event is $1028.00. Following the start of the event, no more wagers are accepted. The event is decided and the winning outcome is determined to be Outcome 4 with $110.00 wagered. The payout is now calculated. First the commission or take for the wagering company is deducted from the pool; for example with a commission rate of 14.25% the calculation is: $1028 × (1 – 0.1425) = $881.52. The remaining amount in the pool is now distributed to those who wagered on Outcome 4: $881.52 / $110.00 = 8.01 ≈ $8 per $1 wagered. This payout includes the $1 wagered plus an additional $7 profit. Thus, the odds on Outcome 4 are 7-to-1 [/greybox]

Personally I think they should call it Pool Betting because that better describes the whole process. All bets on the race are pooled together. The bookie deducts his percentage and the rest is distributed amongst the winners. Shit, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that term actually existed.

The only advantage that I can see for tote betting is for those who bet on an outsider because there would be less punters to share the winnings with. Whereas if a favourite one you’d have to share it with a lot more meaning a smaller porting for everyone.

Which Is Better Tote Betting Or Fixed Bets?

I may have to try a tote bet to before I can answer this honestly. Then again with a tote bet it all depends on whether the horse that run was a favourite or an outsider and how may punters you have to share your bet with. For now I think I will stick with a fixed bet. At least I know exactly what my winnings will be when my horse crosses the finishing line.


Golf Humour

I’m feeling pretty happy after my last winning bet so I thought I would do another sports jokes post. This one is about golf humour! Seems to me that there are a lot of golf jokes out there. My last sports joke way back in October was actually a funny story of a woman golfer. Seems to me that there is a lot of golf humour out there. I wonder if that’s because golfing industry needs a lot of golf humour to keep people interested. 😉

Do you remember Happy Gilmore? Now there was a funny movie. If anything was the pinacle of golf humour that would have to be it. Yeah, I know some of you are saying that Caddyshack is a great movie full of golf humour but in my personal opinion I reckon Happy Gilmore was better.

The following joke may not appear to have anything to do with golf humour but don’t you worry you will see the golf humour as you get to the end of the joke.

Golf Humour Love Is Blind When It Comes To Golf

Ed and Linda met while on a singles cruise and Ed fell head over heels for her. When they discovered they lived in the same city only a few miles apart Ed was ecstatic. He immediately started asking her out when they got home. Within a couple of weeks, Ed had taken Linda to dance clubs, restaurants, concerts, movies, and museums. Ed became convinced that Linda was indeed his soul mate and true love. Every date seemed better than the last.

On the one-month anniversary of their first dinner on the cruise ship, Ed took Linda to a fine restaurant.  While having cocktails and waiting for their salad, Ed said, “I guess you can tell I’m very much in love with you. I’d like a little serious talk before our relationship continues to the next stage. So, before I get a box out of my jacket and ask you a life changing question, it’s only fair to warn you, I’m a total golf nut. I play golf, I read about golf, I watch golf on TV. In short, I eat, sleep, and breathe golf. If that’s going to be a problem for us, you’d better say so now!”

Linda took a deep breath and responded, “Ed, that certainly won’t be a problem. I love you as you are and I love golf too; but, since we’re being totally honest with each other, you need to know that for the last five years I’ve been a hooker.”

Ed said, “I bet it’s because you’re not keeping your wrists straight when you hit the ball.”

Now we all know how much Victoria loves her jokes. That being the case I asked her if she had anymore golf humour. She came up with this one.


golf humour

I had a look on YouTube to see if I could find any golf humour. I found a great clip of the late Robin Williams!

That’s it for today’s Sports Joke. Don’t forget to share it with your friends 😉