Lady Luck Winning Bet Adelaide United vs Central Coast Mariners

If you read my last post you will remember that I asked Lady Luck for advice as to whether or not I should place a bet on the Adelaide United vs Central Coast Mariners. Lady Luck gave me the go ahed and I placed my bet with Bet365! As you can see from the image below she was right giving me the first Lady Luck Winning Bet.

Lady Luck Winning Bet Increases Betting Account

lady luck winning bet

As you can see I placed a bet on who would score the first goal as well as who would win the game. I got the first part of the bet wrong as Sergio Ciriodidn’t score the first goal. That honour went to Pablo Sanchez. Actually Sanchez scored both goals. The first one was a fantastic header which was only possible because of the perfect set up by Fabio Ferreira.

Even thoughI didn’t get both bets right I still consider it a Lady Luck Winning Bet because the return was greater than my initial outlay.And like the rest of you I love my winning bets. Especially when they’re usually too few and too far between.

I normally don’t watch soccer games because I don’t find them all that exiting. That is until I started placing a small bet on those games. It;’s amazing how a small wager can increase the excitement factor of almost any sport. Am I the only one to get more of a thrill from watching a game that I’ve placed a bet on? Feel free to share your experience in the comments below 😉

For a more in depth summary of the game you can head over to the A-League website. If you want to read Central Coast Mariners view point click on this link. If you’d rather read what Adelaide United had to say about their win then this is the link you should follow.

Even though Adelaide United were the favourite I reckon they did well considered they played away and they usually don’t play all that well

Did you watch the game? What did you think of it?

Lucky Bet Adelaide United

A lucky bet is something we all would like. Too bad you don’t know if it’s a lucky bet until the fat lady sings. Or the match is over, whichever comes first.  :tongue_out:

Naturally before making the bet I asked Fortuna, our very own Lady Luck as to whether or not I should place a bet. You can read all about how Fortuna does this on my Lady Luck page.When asked about placing the sports bet this week Lady Luck pointed to Sportingbet Being a Sportingbet member means that I’ve got the all clear for placing the bet.

So, Fortuna has given me the go ahead, now I just need to work out where to put my money. I decided on the Adelaide United Vs Central Coast Mariners game. Even though I didn’t place a bet last week I decided I’d stick to my $10 bet. I also decided to use Bet365 as my online broker seeing as how I still have some free bets owing me.

Lucky Bet Adelaide United vs Central Coast Mariners

lucky bet

Of course you guys, those of you who stop by to read my posts that is, know that I know absolutely nothing about soccer. Yeah, I said soccer. Football for us Aussies refers to the AFL! Normally I don’t even watch soccer matches because I find them a little boring. Sorry to all the soccer fans out there but soccer just doesn’t offer that excitement factor that I crave for when it comes to sport.

That is of course unless I place a small wager on a game. That small bet makes all the difference. Even if it doesn’t turn out to be a lucky bet.

As you can see from the image above I place five bucks on Adelaide to win and another five bucks on Sergio Olivare Cirio to kick the first goal. My research shows that Cirio has a pretty good record for kicking goals and so I figured I’d put some money on him.

Now all I have to do is to wait for Sunday to see if Lady Luck was really smiling on my and my sports wager turns out to be a lucky bet.

What about you guys? Are you going to place a lucky bet this week? If so, what on?


Anna Rawson Hot Sports Babe #19

Anna RawsonI think it’s time for another Hot Sports Babe post and today I’m presenting another Aussie. This particular Aussie is actually a local being born in Adelaide. Her name is Anna Rawson.

Anna Rawson Hot Sports Babe

Anna Rawson, a young woman of only 33 years (born on the 5th August 1981) is a talented Aussie model and professional golfer.

Our Anna Rawson has her own website,, which is really something to see. Some of the photos that you see in the collage below is actually from Anna Rawsons site. Sure hope she doesn’t mind me borrowing them for the collage.  :golfer:

The following is copied from her Early Days Bio

“In 1999, Anna was selected to be on the Australian National Senior Squad.  She was the leading qualifier of the Australian Amateur and won both the South Australian and Victorian Junior championships.  In July, Anna  won the Jack Newton International Junior Classic and was selected to be a member of the South Australian Senior State team.  [highlight]What is remarkable is that Anna achieved all of this without coaching.[/highlight]

I highlighted that last part because I actually found that to be very remarkable. Most people that enter the professional spots arena do so with some sort of coaching . To get where Anna Rawson did without any coaching is remarkable indeed.

Check out Anna Rawson’s Facebook page which also has links to her Twitter and Instagram profiles.

Anna Rawson Hot Sports Babe Collage

Anna Rawson Hot Sports Babe Collage

I may have mentioned that Anna Rawson was a pretty talented young woman. I may also have alluded to the fact that she is sexy as hell. After all, she did make it into the hot sports babe hall of fame ;). Apart from all the other stuff I’ve learned about Anna Rawson I’ve just learned that she even has a YouTube Channel! Which I have just subscribed to.  :thumb_up:

Anna Rawson also is also part of the Sexiest Shots In Golf series that she does with Blair O’Neil. Pretty good bloody series too. Anna isn’t kidding when she says that golf is sexy. Especially when she is in it. For your viewing pleasure I present one of those sexy golf videos for your enjoyment.

Anna Rawson’s Sexy Checked Wedge Shot

No bullshit, if you’re wanting to learn some sexy golf shots then who better than the sexy Anna Rawson for some personal golfing lessons?