Photos Of Hot Sports Women


Photos of hot sports women!. Men love them! Therefore it’s no surprise that my Hot Sports Babes post have turned out to be so popular. Heck, my last post on Casey Eastham was only posted days ago and it’s already gotten nearly 3000 shares! She’s actually my 18th hot sports babe!

Photos Of Hot Sports Women What Makes Them Popular

So, what makes some of these hot sports babes posts more popular than others? I wish I knew. My first ever hot sports babe post that had the so called famous Brazilian sports fan nipple slip way back in June has received close to 4,500 shares. I figured perhaps the guys liked the naked breast so my next hot sports babe post included topless women covered in nothing but body paint. Nope, that post’s share count didn’t even reach double figures.

Strangely enough the next hot sports babe post that went viral was the one on Hot Sports Netball Babes Disrobing For Charity. That post has nearly 8,000 shares! The difference between that post and the topless women covered in body paint was that although the netball players were naked all the photos were very tastefully done. You didn’t actually see any breasts or other private parts. That would lead one to believe that perhaps men would rather allude to a woman’s nakedness than actually seeing it?

In an attempt to find out which of the hot sports women in the hot sports babes post was the ‘hottest’ i started a poll on the hottest sports babe so my readers could vote for their hottest sports babe. If you haven’t voted yet why don’t you head on over there and place your vote.

Perfectly Timed Photos In Women’s Sports

Sometimes it’s not the ‘hotness’ of the women in any particular photo that makes that photo hot. Sometimes it’s the photo itself. Those perfectly timed photos of hot sports women are some of the most popular photos on the web. It’s taken me ages but I’ve selected 15 of what I consider to be the best photos of those frozen moments in sport I put them all together in my Perfectly Timed Photos Of Hot Sports Women.

I’ve tried to include a little of my ‘Aussie’ humour in those photos. I sure hope that you got a kick of them. In fact, I hope you enjoyed this post on photos of hot sports women enough to share on FaceBook, Twitter or whatever is your social media of choice.

Casey Eastham Hot Sports Babe #18

hot sports babe Casey Eastham1After my demoralising loss, ;), in the Melbourne Cup I need to do something to cheer me up. What better way than to do another Hot Sports Babes post Today’s post will be on an Aussie hot sports babe, namely Casey Eastham. I didn’t pick Casey just because I’m an Aussie either. I picked her because she’s smoking hot and deserves to be in our Hot Sports Babes club!

Casey Eastham is an Aussie woman’s field hockey playe, playing for the Hockeyroos. I wonder if one of the requirements for being part of the Hockeyroos is your hotness factor because Casey Eastham is the second Hockeyroos hot sports babe featured on this blog. The first one being Anna Flanagan, part of the Hottest Sports Babes In Glasgow post..

Casey Eastham Hot Sports Babe In Field Hockey

Born on the 19th of March 1989 Casey Eastham is now 25 years old. Too old for me but just right for my son. 😉 Ah, to be that young again. For those of you who are interested Casey Eaastham has her own website. As part of the Hockeyroos she’s managed to win two silver medals, one in Sydney in 2009 and the other more recently in The Hague in 2014. She even managed a gold medal in Delhi in 2010. Field hockey aside I reckon she’s definitely a gold medal contender in the Hot Sports Babe category.

Casey Eastham Hot Sports Babe Collage


Hot Sports Babe Casey EasthamApart from being hot, have you realised that all our hot sports babe have something in common? It’s their incredible physique. They didn’t just happen to come by it either. Sure some may have a great body because God gifted it to them but I’m sure that for the most part all of our hot sports babe have earned their chiseled body through hard work and a strenuous exercise regime.

If you’d like to follow Casey’s tweets here’s her Twitter link.

Melbourne Cup Results 2014

2014 Melbourne Cup Results

Melbourne Cup Results

So there you have it, all the placings for the 2014 Melbourne Cup results. Do you remember my post on Tips for Picking The Winning Melbourne Cup Horse? I mentioned in that post how favourites rarely win and in the following post I didn’t take the advice and picked both Admire Rakti and Fawkner. Both were favourites and both failed to win the race, Fawkner coming tenth and Admire Rakti last. In admire Rakti’s defence, the poor horse wasn’t at his best. So, as it turns out that was another losing bet for me.

The Melbourne Cup The Race That Killed Admire Rakti

Unfortunately for the owners of the winner, Protectionist, are pretty well in the limelight as everyone focuses on the death of Admire Rakti. According to….

“The diagnosis is that the horse died of acute heart failure as a result of ventricular fibrillation probably, which is a disorganised heart rhythm which happens very, very rarely in human athletes and in horses and is a consequence of the athletic heart and the rapid heart rate during racing,” Dr Stewart said on SEN Radio.

“It is very rare but it does occur.

“It’s a disruption of the normal electrical conduction through the heart and there can be various sets of circumstances that might set it off. Athletes are probably more prone to the syndrome especially those with large hearts and a big capacity to raise the heart rate … throwing it into this abnormal rhythm and the heart is unable to supply enough blood for the body.”

While sad it isn’t anyones fault. It certainly should not be used as an excuse to stop horse racing as is being suggested by many horse lovers.

it’s a shame that they had to air the demise of Admire Rakti as he died in his stall. That certainly did not help the situation.

This years Melbourne Cup results in the death of another horse, Araldo, who was spooked by a child waving an Australian flag. Araldo kicked out at a fence fracturing a pastern bone in the horse’s leg. Owners decided to euthanise the horse as the only humane thing to do. Once again a freak accident and no reason to ban horse racing in Australia.

Should Horses Be Whipped In Races?

Whipping a horse to make it run faster is not something that I can agree with. As far as I’m concerned whips should not be used in any horse race. That would be like running behind a someone in a race with a whip in and effort to get them to run faster. It’s simply unthinkable and in my opinion the it’s no different in horse races.

What is worse that the whip though is the anti rearing bit. Unfortunately most punters and race goes do not realise that these bits cause the horse more distress than the whips do. The reason they’re oblivious to it is because unlike the whips which are very visible in the race the rearing bits are not. I found this interesting article on The Use Of The Anti Rearing Bit.

If we’re to be truly kind to our horses then perhaps we should stop inflicting pain on them. What do you think?