Adelaide United vs Melbourne Victory Update

I don’t usually watch A League soccer but I did watch the Adelaide United vs Melbourne Victory game last Friday Night. This is most unusual for me and the only reason I did watch it is because I placed some bets on the game. You can see how I placed those bets in my Australian A League Betting post.

What can I say, that bet was a total bust! Almost like that game. Shit, the only thing that made that game interesting and worth watching was the fact that I placed those bets on it. If I hadn’t placed those bets I doubt very much that I would have watched the whole thing.

Even so I found Adelaide United efforts most frustrating. Not that I know that much about soccer but I felt that Adelaide United was the better side. They seemed to control the ball better and had more shots at goals than Melbourne Victory did. The fact that they missed it so often I found to be extremely frustrating.

When they did finally score that goal in the dying minutes of the game I thought I had a winning bet for sure. All they had to do was to make sure Melbourne Victory did not score a goal. They’d done that for some 85 or so minutes so I thought they could do it for a few minutes more. Unfortunately it was not to be as Ben Khalfallah scored the equaliser ruining all of Sergio Cirio’s efforts for scoring what could have been the winning goal.

Adelaide United draw

The Guardian had an interesting update of the game. Not too much to say I suppose, especially considering it was such a lack lustre game.

All in all though, boring as the game was, I have to say that Adelaide did very well not to get their arses kicked. Apparently, according to some soccer enthusiasts I spoke to, they expected Melbourne Victory to have a resounding win. If you look at it that way a draw isn’t all that bad. Except for the fact that it cost me a bet that is.  :tongue_out:


Golf Sports Joke

Funny Story Of A Woman Golfer

Golf Sports

It’s been a while since I posted a joke and so I though it was about time I gave you guys a real treat.

A group of guys lived and died for their Saturday morning round of golf. One got transferred to another city. It wasn’t the same without him.

A new woman joined their Club. She overheard the guys talking about their  golf round. She said, “You know, I used to play on my golf team in  college and I was pretty good. Would you mind if I joined you next week?”

The three guys looked at each other. Not one of them wanted to say ‘yes’,  but she had them on the spot. Finally, one man said it would be okay, but they would be starting early — at 6:30 a.m.

He figured the early tee-time would discourage her. The woman said this may be a problem and asked if she could be up to 15 minutes late. They  rolled their eyes, but said okay. She smiled and said “Good I’ll be  there at 6:30 or 6:45.”

She showed up at 6:30 sharp and beat all three of them with an  eye-opening 2-under par round. She was fun and a pleasant person and the  guys were impressed. Back at the clubhouse, they congratulated her and  invited her back the next week. She smiled and said “I’ll be there at  6:30 or 6:45.”

The next week she again showed up at 6:30 sharp. Only this time she played left-handed. The three guys were incredulous as she still beat them with an even par round despite playing with her off-hand. They were  totally amazed.

They couldn’t figure her out. She was again very pleasant and didn’t seem to be purposely showing them up. They invited her back again but each man harbored a burning desire to beat her.

The third week the guys had their game faces on. But this time she was 15 minutes late which made the guys irritable. This week the lady played  right-handed and narrowly beat all three of them.

The men mused that her late arrival was due to petty gamesmanship on her part. However she was so gracious and so complimentary of their strong play, they couldn’t hold a grudge.

Back in the clubhouse all three guys were shaking their heads. This woman was a riddle no one could figure out. They had a couple of beers and finally one of the men asked her point blank “How do you decide if  you’re going to golf right-handed or left-handed?”

The lady blushed and grinned. “That’s easy” she said. “When my Dad taught me to play golf I learned I was ambidextrous. I like to switch back and forth. When I got married after college I discovered my husband always sleeps in the nude. From then on I developed a silly habit. Right before I left in the morning for golf practice, I would pull the covers off him.  If his you-know-what was pointing to the right, I golfed right-handed; if it was pointed to the left I golfed left-handed.”

The guys thought this was hysterical. Astonished at this bizarre information, one of the guys shot back, “But what if it’s pointing straight up?”

She said, “Then, I’m fifteen minutes late”

 I don’t know about you but I sure as hell was not expecting that!

And now, a little something from our very own comedian, the sultry Victoria.

Victorias Golf Sports Joke

If you liked those jokes please share it with your friends. You can do so by clicking on your favourite social media icon below.  :thumb_up:

Love golf jokes? Great, here’s some great golf jokes!

Australian A League Betting

I don’t know about you guys, but now that the AFL season is over I am bored shitless. It doesn’t help when there is nothing but crap in TV these days. Do you remember that post I did on the bet365 bonus update? Well, I’ve got just over a month to use up the remainder of my bonus bet before I lose it. That means I can’t wait for the AFL season to start. The question is what sport to place a bet on. Truth be told I don’t know much else about anything but the footy.

I didn’t do too bad on the previous World Cup so I thought I’d give Australian A League betting a go. How bad can it be? Either way I bet I have a 50/50 chance of winning, right. Hell, I may even get to like watching those guys kicking a ball around trying to score a goal. I’m sure it’s heaps better than the crap on TV like Big Brother or one of those moronic Bachelor shows. Then of course I may even be lucky to see someone throw themselves on the ground trying to get a free kick or something. Talk about acting! I’m sure soccer is one of the only sports around where you can get rewarded for acting. Especially when the acting is so bloody awful. I wonder if you can bet on that when it comes to Australian A League betting.

A League Betting, Bet Of The Week

That’s it then. So as not to lose my Bet365 bonus bet, that I got for joining them, I may as well try my hand at A League Betting. Being a South Aussie I reckon I should follow Adelaide United. I fired up the old Bet365 and had a look at the odds. Adelaide United is playing against Melbourne Victory on Friday 17th October. They’re paying 2.30 for a win, 3.50 for a draw and 2.90 if Melbourne Victory wins. Then I could also go for a double chance bet. (Read this post for an explanation of a double chance bet)

If I want to make things interesting there are a few other things I could bet on. As you can see from the image below, the odds on getting the correct score is pretty good.

A League Betting correct score


Even though it’s not in the image a 6-2 win actually pays 301.00 whereas a 4-5 loss pays 501.00! Is that unreal or what?

I’m putting $10 on Adelaide United to win and just for fun I’m going to try and predict the correct score. Just to improve my odd of getting it right I’ve bet on 5 x $2 bets. They include the following, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2, Draw 0-0 and a Melbourne Victory 2-1 win. Hey, it could happen right? :soccer: