Followup On Best 2015 AFL Premiership Odds

In my post AFL 2015 Premiership Odds I included a table with the odds for the 2015 AFL Premiership. That table only had the odds supplied by bet365 . Both Sportingbet and Sportsbet had not posted their odds yet. I mentioned that to a friend of mine and he said he’d already placed his bets for the 2015 final the other day using Sportsbet. I asked him if he had done it via the app and he said he did it online using his PC.

As soon as I got home I checked my apps again and again bet365 was the only one who had listed the2015 AFL Premiership odds. I then went online using my trusty MacBook Air and low and behold Sportsbet had their 2015 AFL Premiership odds up. Not so SportingBet.

The Best 2015 AFL Premiership Odds Are..


AFL Club



Port Adelaide



North Melbourne

Gold Coast




West Coast




Greater Western Sydney

Western Bulldogs


St. Kilda





















Not Released Yet




















Looking at the updated 2015 AFL Premiership odds it seems that Sportsbet has better odd on several of the AFL teams. Mainly, Goldcoast, Adelaide, West Coast, Carlton, Greater Western Sydney and Western Bulldogs. If you were thinking of placing a bet on any of those teams winning the finals next year then your best bet so far would be Sportsbet.

Do you remember that post I did on the Best Sports Betting App? In that post Sportsbet won the best sports betting app by a nose. Well, perhaps now that we know that bet365 updates their up a lot sooner than the other too it could tip the scales that little bit to make bet365 the winner. What do you think? Is it enough to tip the scales or do you think that the best sports betting app still belongs to Sportsbet?

Once Sportingbet publishes their figure I will do another followup post.

New Crows Coach Is Phil Walsh?

Phil Walsh The New Crows Coach

new crows coach

I can’t believe that the new Crows coach is Phil Walsh. Phil Walsh has been the assistant coach for several years and clubs, including Port Adelaide and West Coast. He wasn’t even included in the possible new Crows coach in my Who Will Coach The Crows? post. To think that they got rid of Brenton Sanderson for an assistant coach!

If you remember Brenton Sanderson was an assistant coach when he came to Adelaide. Now that he is getting it together that decide to give him the flick and take on another assistant coach from Port Power! Really? And how long are they going to persist with him before they give him the flick? Surely they don’t expect him to turn the Crows around in the first season? Don’t the Adelaide Crows and their fans deserve better than that?

I have to admit that after reading the Herald Sun article on our new Crows coach it almost had me believing that Phil Walsh is actually the man for the job. He sure sounds confident and he is definitely happy to have acquired the position as the new Crows coach thanking the board “for their belief and trust in endorsing me as the senior coach of this club”

The article then goes to say, “I suppose I took myself out of my own journey and thought, anyone who’s done what I’ve done probably deserves to be a senior coach.

“I’m 54 years old and it’s probably not going to come around again. I tell my kids to chase their dreams, so I probably don’t want to look back at 70 years old and think what might have been. So here I am.’’

So, there is this bloke who is 54 years old and has never held a senior coaching position in his life. He’s now grabbed what is probably his only chance of ever becoming a senior coach. The question is does he have what it takes to take the Crows to the finals?

After the way the Crows had treated Sanderson he at least knows what will happen if he doesn’t perform. Perhaps that and his determination to succeed is just what the club needs. the question is will the players relate to him? Will he be able to transform them to a winning team? What do you think? Is Phil Walsh the right coach for the Crows?

Is Phil Walsh The Right Coach For The Crows

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I voted no. I still think they should have given Sanderson another year.

Do you have something you would like to say? Go for it an tell us what you think.

[highlight]Oh, one last thing, Once you’ve voted don’t forget to share it on your favourite social media. The more people that vote the better the result.[/highlight]

Real Guts Award

Every now and again you get a sportsman or sportswoman who shows real guts while competing in their sport. They continue on against all odds. Those watching them are absolutely amazed and will usually say that they have showed real guts. To that end I wanted to start the Real Guts Award category.

The Real Guts Award

The real guts award was inspired by the actions of Sam Burgess during the NRL Grand Final last week. The fact that South Sydney real guts awardwon their first title in 43 years with a victory over Canterbury Bulldogs was amazing enough. Some will say that their victory was inspired by a stellar performance by the rugby bound man of the match, Sam Burgess!

So what did Sam do that earned him the Real Guts award? In the first tackle of the match Sam Burgess collided with James Graham. The head clash resulted in a fractured cheekbone. Where most players would have sat the rest of the game on the sidelines Sam Burgess would not have a bar of it. For the next 80 minutes or so Sam Burgess was in the thick of it all. It was if nothing at all had happened. He did not hold back one iota until his team had the title under their belt.

The Sydney Morning Herald referred to Sam Burgess as a real life gladiator. Rightly so too. Like the gladiators of old he did not give up until victory was in his grasp. Those who watched the clash of the titans agree it was a brilliant game. So much better than the crappy AFL finals that took place only a week before.

This is what Sam Burgess himself had to say. (As reported in the article above)

“I knew I’d broke it straight away,” Burgess said. “The side of my face just felt numb. My head was a little bit dizzy and I had a bit of blurred vision. But we just covered for each other and there were a lot of guys out there helping me through it. There was not a chance I was missing out.

“I wasn’t really listening to what [the doctor] was saying. The teammates really helped me through the process. I’m just really happy for the team … it’s been a great effort all year.

“James is a great competitor and I’ve got a lot of respect for him as a guy and a competitor. I just told him [at fulltime] I’m going to miss him. He’s a friend I’ll have forever, but that’s all that was said.”

Not bad huh, real guts and modest as well.

In case you missed the clash that won him the real guts award I found it on YouTube for you.

Who would you nominate for the Real Guts Award?