AFL Round 9 2018 Results

Phew, the AFL Round 9 2018 Results sure were an eye-opener weren’t they? What with the apparent upsets I’m more than happy with my AFL Round 9 2018 Results, as far as tipping goes that is. More than pleased with the results considering that I have two winning bets because of the AFL Round 9 2018 Results. Why two winning bets? I’ll tell you about that later on in the post. First, we need to take a gander at the AFL Round 9 2018 Results.

AFL Round 9 2018 Results On The way Up

AFL Round 9 2018 Results

AFL Round 9 2018 Score Results

Let’s have a look at how the scores panned out for the round 9 games.

ADELAIDE CROWS           3.1       3.3       6.6       9.9   (63)
WESTERN BULLDOGS     0.3       1.7       1.10     2.14 (26

NORTH MELBOURNE                     5.4      7.5      14.8     17.10      (112)
GREATER WESTERN SYDNEY     1.5     7.10     8.11     9.15          (69)

GOLD COAST           4.2       5.3       6.6       6.6    (42)
PORT ADELAIDE     5.5       6.10     8.14     11.16 (82)

ESSENDON   5.2   9.5  10.11  12.12 (84)
GEELONG      2.2   2.3   3.5     7.8    (50)

I’m sure Essendon’s game against Geelong shocked a lot of footy fans and tipsters alike. The Roar called it a thrashing and said the Bombers were unrecognisable compared to previous games. The Essendon win is the first tip to go haywire. I’m not upset at all because this sort of stuff always happens when it comes to sports tipping or betting. It’s because sports betting is so unpredictable that I stress the importance of responsible gambling.

SYDNEY          3.3   7.4   11.6  17.9 (111)
FREMANTLE  0.4   1.7   2.9    7.10 (52)

ST KILDA             3.5   7.7   9.9     10.12 (72)
COLLINGWOOD  3.3   7.6   14.7   15.10 (100)

CARLTON          3.1    5.3    7.6    7.8     (50)
MELBOURNE    3.4    10.4  18.6   25.9 (159)

BRISBANE       4.1   9.1   13.6   20.9 (129)
HAWTHORN    5.0   7.2    9.3   11.7    (73)

Who would have thought that Brisbane’s first win would have been against the Hawks? This win knocked the Hawks out of the top eight! It was more than just a win; it was undeniably a thrashing!

WEST COAST     6.1      7.2      14.6    20.10  (130)
RICHMOND         2.3      6.8      9.8      12.11   (83)

Finally, we have the West Coast vs Richmond game. When doing my tips, I had a feeling this game could go either way. No way in hell did I think that West Coast would give the Tigers such a thumping. While I was sorry to get the tip wrong I was happy to cash in a win.

Winning Bets A Plan That Comes Together

One of my favourite shows on TV would have to be The A Team. My favourite A Team member is definitely Hannibal Smith. My favourite quote of the series is Hannibal’s “I love it when a plan comes together!” That’s the kind of feeling I get when I get one of those infrequent winning bets.

Speaking of winning bets, that’s exactly what I got when I backed the Crows vs Nth. Melbourne game on the weekend. Too bad they didn’t televise the game because I reckon I would have really enjoyed it. Even though the Crows let Nth Melbourne erode what was a really good lead in that last quarter.

Winning Bets And Responsible Gambling

winning bets


As you can see from the image above I won a whole $6.40. Not a huge amount I know, but considering my stake was only $10t that’s a 64% return. Sounds a lot better now doesn’t it. Some may be thinking that a $100 stake would have returned $64! While that it true one has to remember that any bet is a gamble and there is never a guarantee of winning.

That’s what responsible gambling is all about. Even though Lady Luck gave me a thumbs up it could have gone the other way. If it did I would have lost $100 instead of just $10. That’s my betting budget for over two months. Shit, I may have even doubled the wager on my next bet to try and get my money back. I could have lost that as well and then bet even more trying to recover my losses. That’s exactly how problem gambling starts and I’m not heading that route. And neither should you!

While winning bets are a good thing you should never let the euphoria of those winning bets get the better of you. Just because you last wager was one of those winning bets there’s no guarantee that the next one will be. Stick to your responsible gambling plan and you’re bound to get a lot more out of your betting strategy. Even when you lose. Why? Because you’re never betting more than you can afford to lose.